EU-LAC Foundation’s call for proposals: a comparative study on inequalities in Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean
One of LAC-EU’s associated partners, the EU-LAC Foundation, has launched together with the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO) a call for proposals for a comparative study focusing on the continuities and new nuances of inequalities in Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean. This initiative responds to the lack of studies that approach the issue of persistent and new inequalities from a comparative perspective, focusing on the two regions. The researchers who prepare the study should analyse these trends and propose recommendations for public policies and cooperation programmes.
Who can apply
This call is open to researchers who are nationals of one of the 60-member countries of the EU-LAC Foundation. Applicants must be affiliated to a scientific/academic/research institution based in one of the member countries of the European Union or one of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. Proposals of individual or collective authorship will be accepted.
How to apply
The deadline for submission of proposals is 6 October 2024 (23:59 - CEST). Each author may submit only one proposal. Proposals received by this deadline and that meet the requirements will be considered for evaluation according to the rules of this Call for Proposals.
Proposals should be sent to the attention of Dr. Anna Barrera (EU-LAC Foundation) and Dr. Pablo Vommaro (CLACSO) to the following email address:, with the subject: Call for proposals EU-LAC Comparative Study on Inequalities.
The results of this call are expected to be communicated on 31 October 2024 on the websites of the EU-LAC Foundation and CLACSO, as well as on their social networks. The selected person/consortium will also be contacted via email.
You can consult the eligibility criteria, rules for exclusion, documents required in the application, evaluation criteria, signing of the service contract, timeline and characteristics of the research project here.
Click here to read the call for proposals in Spanish.